Monday, July 16, 2012

MY NEW JOB! (Adding to the list of mini-adventures)

Homer Skelton Ford
This will be a short post:)

So adding to the madness in my life, I got a new job last wednesday:) It sort-of came out of nowhere. However, you are reading the words of the new receptionist at Homer Skelton Ford. I trained for three days and today i worked for the first time by myself. I am very nervous but i think its a lot of fun!

Ok I had to stop for like 10 minutes to make drive out tags(the blue tags on the back of new cars), cut strips of some papers and answer the phone 8 times! hah ok!

Its a fun job and it gives me experience in something i have never done before! Maybe I'll work my way up to sales;) Ha just kidding...I already do that too!

Ha! Hope everyone is doing alright and I am planning on doing a weekly wrap-up on saturday!!

Macy Lee

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