Saturday, October 20, 2012

Can You Tell That I Am A Bit Busy??

So, I am officially, without a doubt, the worst blogger on the planet. It has been 2 months and 19 days since I last blogged. In that last post, I also talked about how terrible of a blogger I was!! Ha So I am going to do a general summary of the past few MONTHS! GEEEZZZ!

Well, when I last posted on August 1st, I had just started a new job at Homer Skelton Ford. I was finally starting to get the hang of how things worked around there. By mid-August I was starting to get to know everyone and making a few friends here and there. I started my Senior year of High School and was very excited! I only have two classes so I only go to school for 3 hours!! WOW!!! I get like 4 hours to just do whatever before I go into work. Pretty easy Senior Year if ya ask me! One big event that happened in August was the AMAZING 21st BIRTHDAY PARTY OF MARK MINYARD! One of my closest friends had an awesome dance party with friends from all over! It was a lot of fun! Another big event(or more like 5) was the amazing week I spent with one of my closest girl friends, JoJo!!! Or as you all may know her, Olivia!! HA the week before she left for school I went to her house everyday for a week and we would just lay around and talk, then watch any movie that would make us laugh. Those usually were ones with Amanda Bynes acting in them;) It was such a great week of fellowship for me. It was an honor that she spent her last week of summer with me:) HA After that I really just tried to get back in the swing of school and work as much as I could. Nothing else really big really happened!
Well September was busy as well. Spent most of my time working! Mostly at Homer Skelton but I am still babysitting a little and doing Thirty One Gifts as well. My sister joined a Book Club with my mom and some of her friends here. So she started coming down every first weekend of the month. So I got to see her, Reece and Mclaine which was amazing as usual. Those two kids are the brightest part of my life! They are amazing and for those of you who do not have the pleasure of being an aunt or uncle, I am truely sorry. Everyone should get this chance!! HA
Well the next few weeks were kinda chill. My parents were still going back and forth to Atlanta for Brandon so mainly, it was just Ryan and I. We had fun together though. However then, on September 28, that all changed! Because...
BRANDON CAME HOME! Yay! I left Sheperd and came home to live with us! Ill admit It was been an adjustment, but we are all so glad that he is home and no one has to travel anymore! A few days after he came home, we had a huge Open House, Welcome Home/30th Birthday Party for Brandon. All his friends and family could come over and see him for the first time! It was so great! Lindsey, Jason and the kids came in and people brought food and helped us set up so we barely did anything! Our church family is so fantastic! I will give a shout-out for two friends that made this day so easy and stress free for me! Laura Kinard and Anna Kate Minyard! The two of them got there and helped set up, stayed the whole time and then helped clean up afterwards! It was an amazing testimony and they are such wonderful friends.  Anna Kate is such a great friend. Her and Reece are getting close which is really exciting for me! Over the Summer, when I was up in Nashville visiting my sister, Reece and I Skyped with Anna Kate. So now, Reece calls her Computer Girl!! It is fantastic and I love it. This is the two of them at Brandon's party! Thats really it for September!

I know October is not over yet, but I figure I'll go ahead and recap what has happened so far this month. For starters, let me just say that I can not believe it is already the 20th! Well I started off October in a pretty acceptable fashion;) Ha I WENT TO THE BEACH! With my sister and the two kids for my cousin Miller's wedding. I was tagging along to provide childcare services;) We flew, with two kids.....That was an adventure! ha but luckily my sister and I didnt want to kill each other in the end so we much have been doing something right! ha:) My favorite part was definitely getting to spend SO much time with Reece and Mclaine! The only wedding-related event that I went to was the rehersal dinner and that was sooo much fun! The wedding was in Tampa but the theme for the dinner was Memphis Bar B Que...OK!! ha I loved getting to see all my family. Especially my cousin Jaime becuase we never see each other because she lives about 4 hours away!
That was really nice to see her and everyone else! I just didnt have time to get a picture with all of them;)  The next morning L, R, M and I went to breakfast at the cutest little beach-side Cafe ever! It was fun to get out and spend time together without being in an airport! Then that afternoon Reece, Mclaine and I just hung around while the actually wedding and reception were going on. We just hung out at the condo and played games,watched movies, enjoyed vacation! Ha then on friday, my Aunt Lori watched Mclaine so that Lindsey, Reece and I could go to the beach and spend time together. So we did!  We spent time on the beach chasing eachother, finding seashells and playing in the water. I think on a few occasions Reece and I broke out into song right on the shore...Aint no thang:) HA I could spend all day on the beach and I could definitely spend all day with Reece! Anyway, afterwards Lindsey went back to the condo to relieve Aunt Lori, and I, got to take my little man to lunch and a beach-side restaurant! We had fun!

Then we had to go back to the condo and get packed for our late-night-flight! HA On the way there we had flown in the morning, now we didnt even head for the airport until 3 PM! EEEEKKK! good luck please! It was a little more hectic on the way back, which was my fault. See at the restaurant earlier I had ordered fried clams, Which is something I usually eat when I am at the beach. I did not realize that my body had changed and I had developed a clam allergy over the past year. So on our first flight back, I might have taken advantage of the little white bag on the plane. Not.Fun. The second flight went much more smoothely for everyone. Mclaine and Reece slept the whole time! Ha
But when we landed......
We had one happy baby!!!  Which was a huge blessing! However, it was like 50 degrees in Memphis when we landed..and raining! Not very nice welcome home weather. Especially when you are coming home from the beach;) 
I have just been working a lot the past few weeks(And a LOT next week) However this week I took of for a few days because....I WAS IN THE HOSPITAL! shocker. ha no. long story short: I had Strep and a Viral Infection at the same time. They gave me too many drugs and it made my blood pressure drop and I passed out and re-tore some tendons in my ankle. I am in a boot again but I am much better! Ha Thats All. Wow, glad I could catch up! Ill try to be better about Blogging on time!!
Macy Lee

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